Educational Offerings
Explore Which Offerings are Right for Your Family
Our educational offerings are designed by certified, highly intuitive educators who align with the Energetic Worldview, recognizing that children are organisms, not mechanisms. Our unique inter-disciplinary student learning journeys emphasize holistic learning values such as understanding our place and potential within the universe, physical health and nutrition, energetic health and mindfulness, and connection to the natural world and dynamic communities. Beginning in grade 1, we integrate a blend of continuous foundational academics, as well as seasonal community-based and interest-driven experiential learning.
Our methodologies honor the profound significance of childhood with integrity and our curriculum is designed with an understanding of children’s natural rhythms, biology, and humanity.
Holistic, project-based pedagogy is flexible and inspired by revolutionary thinkers such as Dr. Amit Goswami, Rudolf Steiner, Alan Watts, Maria Montessori, Sri Krishnamurti, Ram Dass, and Sir Ken Robinson. Instruction is not disconnected and isolated, driven by tests, politics, nor corporate curriculum; it is mindfully driven by heart, authenticity, and pure joy.
Empowering children (and families!) to develop their authentic passions, purpose, and life path requires a new approach to teaching and learning. We believe the role of the teacher should move far beyond that of mere transmission and transaction.
We are committed to a transformational approach, believing firmly that true learning cannot be quantified, for the true nature of education implies a shift in consciousness, a deeper connection to self, others, and the Universe.
Select an Offering to Learn More
For Students Ages 3-8
Our pre-school, kindergarten, and early elementary offerings nurture the organic unfolding of a child’s curiosity about the world through social play, dynamic learning centers, exploring the natural world, and engaging with multi-age peers. Our small group dynamic fosters strong connection, individualized support, and an intimate learning environment. Structured yet gentle academics begin in grade 1.
For Students 9-11
Our Middle Years offering guides the transition from play-based learning to bilingual, project-based learning experiences. They begin learning to navigate both independent and collaborative challenges, explore inquiry and research, and experience hands-on community development. They receive mentorship from both seasonal specialists and long-term mentors.
For Students 12-15
Our Upper Years & High School offering invites students to assume greater responsibility, self-direction, and leadership through passion-driven research, personal projects, internships, conscious business management, and introducing them to mindful educational technologies. Formal evaluation, home learning, and academic advisory are introduced to add accountability and depth.
For Students
Many of our children participate in extracurricular activities outside of LPE such as the soccer team with the local children, surf classes, community theater, horseback riding and equine therapy experiences, martial arts, ballet, and the Blue Warrior Club at the local marine conservation research center.
For Parents
Parents enjoy the vast options for wellness workshops and ceremonial activations, ecstatic dance, Spanish courses, family river and/or beach days, community potluck dinners, and parent support groups and enrichment gatherings geared towards personal transformation, community integration, and more!
For Families
We are committed to working closely with our families to support, empower, and cultivate a truly customized approach to mentoring your child. We are a community center that supports whole family relocation, integration & transformation by inviting a collective approach to nurturing our children and adolescents so we can all thrive together.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our founding visionary and lead administrator is Alys Robinson, whose lifelong passion, university career, and professional career has been dedicated to research and development of child-inspired education. All other administrators and educational leaders at Life Project are experienced educators. It’s important to us that the leaders and curriculum developers of a school are experienced, certified educators.
All of Life Project Education’s lead elementary and middle school teachers have university degrees, certified teaching credentials from their home countries, and extensive international experience. Many of our educators have advanced university degrees and specialized university certifications in fields such as Curriculum Design & Instruction, Educational Psychology, Special Education, Reading Specialist, Educational Leadership, Psychology, and more!
Regardless of previous experience, all new educators/mentors that join the LPE team move through a thoughtful, supportive community integration and Holistic Education training.
Our teachers are abundantly supported. We wish for our teachers to rise in their fullest capacity as creators and honor and fund all requests for curriculum, materials, and larger classroom upgrades within reason. All teachers have accounts at the local bookstores and print shops for unrestricted curriculum-design needs & instructional materials. Through our tuition investments, our school is committed to consistency allocating resources that directly impact the quality of education children receive.
As a school led by teachers, we recognize the importance of personal and professional growth and time to plan and prepare rich learning experiences. Teachers receive daily prep time for planning and mentorship, as well as weekly team meetings and monthly faculty connection gatherings. Our teachers have access to an extensive anthology of digital LPE curriculum, research, literature, and professional development materials. We offer teachers compensated after-hours planning time, as we all know the work of a passionate educator never ends at dismissal. We honor that! Each team (Early Year, Middle Years, Upper Years) additionally meet together in between trimesters to envision, collaborate, and co-create interdisciplinary learning experiences to prepare for each new learning cycle.
In the Early Years, parents receive seasonal qualitative holistic reports regarding the child’s scholastic and social-emotional progress. All evaluation is informal, anecdotal, non imposed (no tests or grades), and based on observation, work samples, and behavior.
Beginning in the middle years, children begin receiving bi-monthly progress reports for each course. Students receive both qualitative and quantitative feedback in two categories: Scholastic Progress and Energetic Approach. In this way, students are not solely evaluated on their actual scholastic proficiency; equally important is their effort, energy, and improvement.
Beginning in middle years, children also begin physical portfolios, anthologies of work samples that represent their progress. Upper years (Middle School) move to digital portfolios and receive end of year official transcripts.
Self reflection, goal setting, and growth through accountability is a daily component of our program.
YES! We are proudly operating “by the book” yet “out of the box”! It is very important to us to be in full integrity and honor all laws that govern business in our host country. We are a legally compliant sociedad jurídica (SRL), register as a “Centro Recreativo” rather than a government school. We are registered in hacienda, pay Costa Rican taxes and insurances, and hire all employees legally and ethically. Our school has an accountant, bookkeeper, legal representation, insurance assistant, and a COO. While this is an expensive model to commit to and sustain, it is non-negotiable for us to operate ethically, publicly, fearlessly, with longevity and we’ve been doing it successfully with not one legal issue or complaint in nearly 10 years.
We prioritize supporting the local community and hiring legal citizens and legal residents. Currently 100% of our Early Years teaching team are legal citizens and/or residents, and 70% of our Middle & Upper Years teaching team are Costa Rican by citizenship or legal residency. 75% of our employees are registered in Caja, 25% are hired as international specialists, and 100% of our employees are receiving legal, ethical salaries or stipends and this is very important to us.
Let’s Connect
Would you like to connect with an enrollment advisor at Life Project Education so you can get your questions answered and discover why LPE is the right place for your children to learn, grow, and thrive?